Lineage private servers
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Premium servers
Popular l2 servers with record online
Stay up to date with the opening of Lineage 2 servers of all rates and chronicles. You will only find high quality projects on this site, with L2 Premium servers at the top of the list. Playing on such a project means stability and good online.The list of new Lineage 2 servers is updated daily on this site, with the latest information about new discoveries and a convenient search engine that makes it easy to find the right project. L2 server announcements pinned on top and those with blue server text are considered the best game projects to date.
We provide basic information about each Lineage 2 server, including a link to the project, rates, chronicles, and start date. For more detailed information about each la2 server, you can go to the project page, where you will find instructions for entering the game.
On this site you will find L2 servers with different concepts such as PvP, crafting, low rate, GvE, RvR, pvp crafting, multicrafting, multiprofessional, classic version of the game and with additions.
A selection of the best L2 servers | opening premium lineage 2 servers and much more!
Do you want to know how to find new l2 servers and not miss the opening? Don't worry, it's easier than it looks! First, pay attention to the list of Lineage 2 servers on our website. We regularly remove offline projects to offer only active servers. Then use the server selection block in the upper right corner of the site.Here you can choose the chronicles and rates that you are interested in. You will see a list of l2 announcements that match your parameters. Choose servers that have opened recently or will open soon so as not to miss the opening of Lineage 2 servers. Find your ideal project and start playing for free today!
Resources that you can use to get information about new L2 servers
You can find announcements of la2 servers using a convenient search with filters by characteristics, such as:- For a large selection of rates: x1, x10, x20, x50, x100, x1200, x10000.
- By sorting "Opening Soon", which are placed in the left blocks and "Already Open", are placed in the right block.
- According to the chronicles: Grand Crusade, High Five, Ertheia, Helios, Classic, Gracia Final, Interlude, Freya, Salvation, Essence.
- The audience of players of different nationalities, such as Brazilians, Russians, Ukrainians, Americans, Greeks, etc.
- Server types include: PTS, Java, craft-pvp, multiproff, low rate, PvP, RvR, GvE.
- Premium banner "240x400" - displayed in the phone and computer version, "1920x600" site header.